LED Display

This project allows a user to interact with a 32x32 RGB LED display through a computer program I made in processing. The display is capable of 8-bit colour, at a refresh rate of 24 frames per second. The user can save designs they make into .csv files, and then open them again at a later time.

The user interface was made in Processing. UI is not my strong suit, but I was able to make a simple and effective interface for the user to draw in. Getting the USB communication with the Teensy working was an iterative process, first starting with an LED bar graph, working up to the display.

The display was driven with a Teensy 3.1 ARM microcontroller. The display has four lines of 32-bit shift registers, each for Red, Green, Blue and Ground. The display is driven using traditional scanning techniques for displays, along with bit angle modulation to adjust the intensity of each colour channel.

You can check out the project on Github.


LED Cube